Our focus = To Get You To, and Through, Retirement!
How to structure yourself so you may outlive your money. (Read this sentence carefully)
What’s my definition of retirement? When WORK is optional!
Your Wealth Odyssey
The majority of people I meet have one investment account and that’s their company sponsored 401k account. This 401k account most likely has no advisor helping you pick your investments. Therefore, choosing a financial professional is one of the most important financial decisions you can make on your journey to wealth.
You should ensure the financial professional you work with has the skill, commitment, and knowledge and wisdom to address the full range of your financial needs.
Do you find it hard… to find a trusted Financial Advisor?
Nate works for people who are:
- Business owner looking to start or know more about 401k Retirement plans
- Already retired, or within 20-25 years of retirement.
- Faced with important decisions about managing a large sum of money (such as inheritance, retirement, etc.).
- Want a consistent flow of retirement money into their checking account.
- Want to make good decisions about when to start their Social Security to maximize their benefits.
- Concerned about maintaining their standard of living no matter what the future brings.
- Recognize they need help to work towards more consistent investment results.
- Want a financial transition strategy, into retirement, another job or career.
- Want more information and a logical approach to potentially increase their comfort level and confidence.
- Want to simplify and streamline their money management process.
- Want to ensure their decisions are consistent with and support their goals.
- Want a trusted, experienced, and professional Financial Advisor to help them make smart decisions about their money so they are free to focus on living and enjoying life.
Nate is a member of the National Association of Plan Advisors
The Better Financial Education experience …
If you decide to ask Nate to work for you, he will help you plan & invest for retirement and then help you transition seamlessly into that retirement. Your plan will integrate Social Security, even the more complex scenarios, and pensions if you have them, with your retirement savings so you may feel more secure about your financial future. He will also help you understand what goes into your plan.
Nate will use a methodology designed to increase the likelihood of your enjoyment of a comfortable and secure retirement—and not running out of money. This methodology is not static—it incorporates dynamic processes that reflect changes in the markets and your personal situation.
While retirement is usually the capstone of most financial plans, other financial planning goals can be melded together into your overall plan so they may be coordinated to increase the likelihood of overall success.
Nate will then develop an investment management strategy to manage your resources towards your goals. Everyone is different, so your benchmark to measure progress is not the markets, but progress towards the achievement of your specific plan unique to you.
Expertise delivered. When people are looking for a doctor, they don’t begin by looking at how much money the doctor makes. People are interested in the doctor’s bedside manner, and more importantly, results patients experience in the doctor’s specialty. My clients’ expectations and results are no different. We want the best relationships we can have with our trusted advisors in life.